How to Achieve Deep Sleep Every Night of Your Trip Abroad

By Swindon Link - 9 May 2024

Health and BeautyTravel

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, offering a chance to explore new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes. However, it often comes with the significant challenge of maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. Jet lag, unfamiliar environments, and the excitement of being somewhere new can all conspire to disrupt your normal sleep pattern. Luckily, there are strategies you can employ to ensure you achieve deep, restorative sleep every night of your trip, no matter where in the world you find yourself.


1. Adapt to the New Time Zone Before You Leave

One of the most effective ways to combat jet lag is by gradually adjusting your sleep schedule to match the time zone of your destination a few days before departure. Gradually shifting your bedtime and wake-up time can help minimize the shock to your system upon arrival. If possible, try to adjust your eating schedule as well. This preemptive strike against jet lag can be a game changer in how quickly you adapt and find normalcy in your sleep patterns abroad.

2. Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment

A significant challenge when sleeping in a new place is the unfamiliar environment. You can make your sleeping area more conducive to deep sleep by replicating conditions similar to your bedroom at home. Consider packing a favorite pillow or blanket. Use earplugs and an eye mask to block out unfamiliar sounds and light. Most importantly, ensure the room temperature is cool and comfortable. These simple adjustments can create a sense of familiarity, helping your mind and body relax.

3. Stick to a Routine

Maintaining a semblance of your normal bedtime routine can send a powerful signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down, preparing you for a restful sleep. Engaging in calming activities like reading a book, meditating, or practicing gentle yoga, can significantly help. Sticking to a nightly routine, especially while traveling, can ease the transition into sleep and help mitigate the effects of jet lag or unfamiliar environments. The key to enhancing your sleep quality lies in consistency; your body thrives on routine. By maintaining your bedtime rituals as much as possible, even in new surroundings, you will get better sleep. Establishing a quiet, comfortable, and dark sleep environment can also improve the quality of your rest, making you feel more refreshed when you wake up.

4. Limit Screen Time

The blue light emitted by screens can significantly impact your circadian rhythm by tricking your brain into thinking it's still daytime. This can inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. To encourage deep sleep, limit exposure to screens at least an hour before bed. Instead, try unwinding with a physical book or by listening to soothing music or a podcast.

5. Consider CBD Products

For some, incorporating CBD products into their nighttime routine can be incredibly beneficial for enhancing sleep quality. CBD has been shown to support relaxation and reduce anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. As seen at sites such as, there are many different CBD products ranging from oils to gummies that can help promote a sense of calm and aid in achieving deep sleep. If you’re traveling to a destination where CBD is legal and accessible, consider trying CBD oil or gummy in the evening. Always start with a low dose to assess your tolerance and consult with a health professional before beginning any new supplement, especially when abroad.

6. Stay Active During the Day

Engaging in physical activity during the day can markedly enhance the quality of your sleep at night. This benefit arises not merely from the physical exhaustion that helps prepare your body for rest, but also because regular exercise plays a significant role in alleviating stress and anxiety. These emotional states, if unmanaged, can severely disrupt your sleep patterns. To reap these benefits, aim to weave some form of physical activity into your daily schedule. This could range from a leisurely walk through the bustling city streets, embarking on a scenic hike in nature, to committing to a brief but intense workout session. Incorporating such activities can significantly contribute to a more restful night's sleep. However, it's crucial to time these activities appropriately; engaging in exercise too close to your bedtime can have the opposite effect, leaving you feeling unexpectedly energized and alert at a time when you're trying to relax and ease into sleep.

Achieving deep sleep while traveling isn't always easy, but with these strategies, you can enhance your chances of getting restful slumber every night. Remember, sleep is as much a part of your health and well-being as the adventures you undertake during the day. By prioritizing deep sleep, you’ll not only enjoy your travels more, but you'll also ensure that you’re at your best for every new experience that comes your way.

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